Discussion List for Newtonville, MA

private information

This is a discussion group open to people who live and work in Newtonville, MA.

This list is NOT moderated. We are all adults here. We do request a modicum of civil behavior, but your host is not an editor, censor, bouncer, or the net police.

We offer some guidelines, an may take you to task - possibly publicly - if your postings are exceptionally beyond the pale of civilized behavior.

Newtonville Listserve Guidelines

--Respect differences of opinion.
--No offensive language.
--Respect others. Refrain from name calling, badgering and unsubstantiated labelling (praise and positive feedback is okay!)
--Brevity is the soul of wit. Communications are most effective when they are short and sweet. Many participants use “Daily Digest” or participate via a handheld and long message trails that simply repeat an earlier message makes it difficult to follow a discussion.
--Avoid taking offense. Even more so, avoid taking offense on behalf of others.
-- You are not a sandbox monitor or the net police. Debate and discussion are one thing. Complaining about the opinions, language, or tone of another person's postings is as offensive as the opinions, language or tone of others. Give as good as you get, or hold your tongue. If you don't want to read it, use your delete key. Leave if you must.

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